Game Rating
Let your viewers rate your current Twitch game/category!
Command | Description |
!addgamerating | Add current category to ratings |
!removegamerating | Remove current category from ratings |
!rating | Get current category rating |
!rate | Lets the viewer rate the current category |
!getrating (@user) | Will get redeemer or target users (only for Twitch) rating |
!removerating | Lets user remove their rating |
!gameratings (num) | Show leaderboard of Top X/Default categories |
Arguments for Messages
Available everywhere | If current category has rating |
pgrGame | pgrRating |
pgrGameId | pgrRatingCount |
pgrGameBoxArtUrl | |
pgrMinRating | |
pgrMaxRating |
User Rate Add
General | If rated before |
pgrUserRating | pgrOldUserRating |
User Rate Remove
General | |
pgrUserRating |
User Rating Get
General | |
pgrUserRating | |
pgrTargetUserId | |
pgrTargetUser | |
pgrTargetUserName | |
pgrTargetUserPlatform | |
pgrTargetUserRating |
Get Game Rating
General | Separated Platform Rating = false |
pgrTotalRating | pgrTwitchRating |
pgrTotalCount | pgrTwitchRatingCount |
pgrYouTubeRating | |
pgrYouTubeRatingCount | |
pgrTrovoRating | |
pgrTrovoRatingCount |